Someone�s Reason in Joining a Group

Someone�s Reason in Joining a Group 
people group
There are several reasons why people are grouping. Some people even consider that group is a necessity; it means that without grouping, someone feels uncomfortable to live. Therefore, there are several reasons that can be inventoried why people decide to be group: 
1. Security, by joining in a group, one can reduce discomfort in solitude. Many people feel stronger and do not hesitate in a group. 
2. Status, by joining a group, a person feels more regarded and more respectable than being alone. 
3. Self-esteem, because of people feel more honored when grouping, then they feelhaving self-esteem. 
4. Affiliation, many social needs can be got when someone is in group. Friendly atmosphere when distress, pain, death, and disaster; someone will be easier to get help from others. 
5. Building strength, many things cannot be achieved individually; however, it becomes possible when grouping. By grouping, it will make easier to build the strength to achieve something great. 
6. Achieving the goal, because of grouping leadsto strength, of course it will facilitate the achievement of objectives. 

Formal and Informal groups 
In the practice in society, there are formal and informal groups. Formal group can be defined as a group created by the managerial decision to achieve organizational objectives, therefore there are many formal groups that are found in formal and structured organizations. 
Formal groups consist of command group and task group. Command group is characterized by the presence of command chain of the leader led. Because of the command, the leader�s command must be done. Negligence on the matter will result in sanctions from the organization. In contrast, informal group can be said as more evolved group of individual effort and development of interests and friendship rather than design deliberately formed by organization.

Behavior in Group

Behavior in Group 
In social life, for example in a community, in the office, at school we certainly will form or be involved in a group, therefore we must be good at selecting groups aiming positive and beneficial for the development of ourselves, lest we join a group that has negative effect on ourselves. 
Group behavior is response of the group members to the groupsocial structure and the norms adopted.
Collective behavior is a person's action at the same time, place, and behave. 
Which is better, group performance or individual performance? The question often arises because there is the adage that says "two heads are better than which done by an individual". The adage is true in some cases, because the group allows people to exchange information and opinions. 
Interaction within the group can generate ideas and new solutions. The group has extensive knowledge and greater probability that a person in the group will have specific knowledge relevant to the group issue. However, a group also does not always produce a better decision. Not everyone in the group contributes simultaneously, but the individual must wait their turn. Turn result in expressing the opinion, among the group members often have production blocking, distraught or loss of motivation to participate (lazy). Individuals sometimes do not want to share (sharing) in providing the information. 
Although the performance of agroup is often better than the average performance of individuals, performance is often below standard of individuals, especially when members of the group generally have relatively weak ability. In the group, it also canoccur social impact (Latane&Nida, 1981) that is a classification of members in a group. Ifthe group is major, the decision-making will be very effective. If the group is minor, then often people experience disappointment, because they feel disregarded.

Definition of Customer Behavior and How to Examine Customer Behavior

Definition of Customer Behavior and How to Examine Customer Behavior 
customer behavior
Costumer behavior is a person's processes and activities related to search, selection, purchase, use, and evaluation of products and services to meet the needs and desires. However, some people interpret costumer behavior as things underlying to make purchase decision, such as for something that has low selling price, then the decision process is done easily, while for things with high selling price, then the decision-making process will be done with careful consideration. 
According to some experts are as follows: 
a. Schiffman and Kanuk 
Costumer behavior is process passed by someone in finding, buying, using, evaluating and acting post-consumption of products and services, as well as ideas that are expected to meet their needs. 
b. Engel, Blackwell and Miniard 
Costumer behavior is act of service products, including the decision processes preceding and following the actions that are directly involved in obtaining, consuming and disposing a product or service, including the decision processes that precede and follow the action. 
There are three main approaches in examining costumer behavior. The first approach is interpretive approach. This approach digs deeply into costumer behavior and the underlying case. The study is conducted through long interviews and focus group discussions to understand what the meaning of a product and service to the costumers and what is perceived and experienced by costumers when buying and using it. 
The second approach is traditional approach based on the theory and methods of cognitive, social, and behavioral psychology and sociology. This approach aims to develop theories and methods to explain costumer behavior and decision-making. The study is conducted through experiments and surveys to test the theory and seek an understanding of how a costumer process information, make decisions, and the influence of social environment on costumer behavior. 
The third approach is called as science of marketing that is based on the theory and methods of economics and statistics. This approach is done by developing and testing a mathematical model based on the hierarchy of human needs according to Abraham Maslow to predict the effect of marketing strategy to the choice and consumption patterns, known as moving rate analysis.

Costumer Consideration Process

Costumer Consideration Process 

Before and after makingpurchase, a customer will perform a number of costumer consideration processes: 
Problem recognition 
Costumers will buy a product as a solution to the problems faced. Without problem recognition, customers are not able to determine the products to be bought. 
Information source 
After understanding the problems that exist, costumers will be motivated to seek information to solve the existing problems through searching information. The searching process can be derived from the memory (internal) and based on the experience of others (external). 
Alternative evaluation 
After a costumer has a wide range of information, he will evaluate the alternatives existing to overcome the problems faced. 
Purchase decision 
After costumers evaluate several existing strategy alternatives, they will make a purchase decision. Sometimes the time taken to make purchasing decisions by creating actual purchase is not same because of the other things that need to be considered. 
Post-purchase evaluation 
Evaluation process done by costumers does not just end at the stage of purchase decision-making. After buying the product, the costumer will evaluate whether the product is in accordance with expectations or not. In this case, there are satisfaction and dissatisfaction of customer. 
Costumers will be satisfied if the product is in accordance with the expectations and will further increase the demand for the product brand in the future. In contrast, they will feel dissatisfied if the product is not in accordance with expectations and it will reduce costumer demand in the future.

Definition of System According to Some Experts

Definition of System According to Some Experts

Here are some definitions of system according to some experts.
1. L. James Havery
System is logical and rational procedure to perform or design a series of components that are related to each other.
2. Gordon B. Davis
A system consists of parts interrelated that operate together to achieve some goals and intents.
3. Salisbury
System is a group of parts or components that work together as a unified function.
4. John Mc Manama
System is a conceptual structure composed of functions that are interconnected and work as an organic unity to achieve the desired results effectively and efficiently.
5. Ludwig Von Bartalanfy
System is a set of elements that are bound in inter-relationships among the elements and the environment.
6. Indrajid
System implies the sets of components owned by the element that are related each other.
7. C.W. Churchman
System is a set of parts that are coordinated in tune and harmonious to carry out the objectives set.
8. Andri Kristanto
The system is a network of procedures interconnected, gathered together to do an activity or solve a particular target.
9. Edgar F. Huse and James L. Bowdict
System is a series or series of parts related and relies in such a way to cause the interaction and mutual influence.
10. O'brien
System is a group of related components, working together to achieve a common goal by receiving input and producing output in an orderly transformation.
11. Bertalanffy
System is a set of components that interacts each other and work together to achieve the same goal.
12. Djekky R. Djoht
System is aggregation or grouping objects united by some interaction forms that are fixed and interdependent, a group of different units, which are combined by nature or art so it forms an integral whole and functioning, operation, or moving in a unitary. 
13. Jogianto
System is a collection of elements that interact to achieve a certain goal.
14. Azhar Susanto
System is a collection / group of any sub-systems / parts / components, either physical or non-physical that relate to each other and work together in harmony to achieve a certain goal.
15. Umar Fahmi Achmadi
System is a structure describing the existence of a series of different components that have relationship and common goal in harmonious and coordinated that work or run within a certain time and planned.
16. Koentjaraningrat
System is functioning and moving arrangement.
17. Mulyadi
System is basically a group of elements that are closely associated with each other, which function together to achieve certain goals.
Cara-Cara Melihat Bukti Kekuasaan Allah swt

Cara-Cara Melihat Bukti Kekuasaan Allah swt

Terdapat dua cara dalam memandang, Memperhatikan dan melihat tanda-tanda dari kekuasaan Allah swt. apa saja dua cara dalam memandang bukti atau tanda kekuasaan Allah swt?

Cara memandang tanda atau bukti kekuasaan Allah swt. yang pertama adalah melihat dengan mata kepala. Suatu contoh melihat akan birunya langit, tinggi dan luasnya langit, keberadaan bintang-bintang dan semua isinya. Ini