Definition and Characteristics of Constitutional State

Definition and Characteristics of Constitutional State
constitutional state

Many experts have explained about the definition of constitutional state, the followings are the definitions of constitutional state according to some experts:
1. According to Wirjono Prodjodikoro
- All equipment of state, especially equipment of government in the action both to the citizens and the state are interconnected respectively, should not be arbitrary, but must pay attention to the applicable regulations.
- All persons (residents) in public relation should obey to the applicable regulations.
2. According to Aristoteles
It is a state that stands above the law that guarantees justice to the citizens.
3. According to Hugo Krabbe
State should be constitutional state (rechtsstaat) and each state action must be based on law or should be accountable to the law.
4. According to F.R. Bothlingk
A state which the freedom of power holder will is restricted by law.

Characteristics of constitutional state, among others:

1. According to Friedrich Julius Stahl from Continental European legal experts:
a. Human rights
b. Separation or division of powers to ensure human rights that is commonly known as Trias Politica
c. Government based on rules
d. Administration of justice in disputes

2. According to AV Dicey of Anglo-Saxon legal experts:
a. Supremacy of law, it means that there must be no arbitrariness, so one can only be punished if they break the law.
b. Equal footing in the law, both for ordinary people and officials
c. Ensuring human rights in legislation or court decisions

Sovereignty Theory

There are four theories that explain about kinds of sovereignty; Theory of God Sovereignty (Theocracy), Theory of People Sovereignty (Democracy), Theory of State Sovereignty, Theory of Law Sovereignty.
1. Theory of God Sovereignty (Theocracy)
It comes from God sovereignty given to a king or ruler. Because of king or ruler is God's representative, the power is absolute. Ruler can set rules in any form that must be obeyed by people. Moreover, a ruler has authority to determine the entire life of people, as if he is God. In practice, this form of sovereignty is many done by the royal government in earlier times.
2. Theory of People Sovereignty (Democracy)
It is a theory which teaches the highest power in the hands of people. People give the power to the authority to run the government through an agreement called social contract. In return, the authority recognizes and protects the rights of people and runs the government by the people's mandate as well as possible. This sovereignty practice is many run by democratic countries today.
3. Theory of State Sovereignty
This theory teaches that law and government activities are the state�s will. The state's will allow the law and government authorities obeyed by people.
4. Theory of Law Sovereignty
According to this theory, law is the source of sovereignty. Every action of the authorities should be accountable to the law.
Cinta dan Ibadah, Cinta Sebagai Fondasi Ibadah

Cinta dan Ibadah, Cinta Sebagai Fondasi Ibadah

Mengapa kita harus menjadikan cinta sebagai fondasi dasar dalam beribadah kepada Allah swt.? Banyak sekali ungkapan yang dapat disebutkan untuk menyebut kata cinta. Cinta bisa diibaratkan sebagai cahaya, dimana apabila tidak ada cinta dalam hati seseorang, maka dia bagaikan kegelapan. Cinta itu adalah kehidupan, ketika cinta itu hilang dari diri seseorang, maka dia bagaikan hidup dalam kematian.

Forms and the Origin of State

State can be seen as an association of human living and cooperating to pursue some common goals. It can be said that the ultimate goal of every state is creating the happiness of the people, Budiharjo Miriam (2010).

state of indonesia

Forms of State
Here are some state forms in the world:
1. Unitary
2. Federation
3. Confederation
4. Union, it is divided into 2; Real Union and Personnel Union 
5. Dominion
6. Colony
7. Protectorate
8. Mandate
9. Trust

The origin of a State
Based on the fact, a state occurs due to some causes:
1. Occupation - It is an area occupied by a group of people
2. Separation - It is an area that originally is a territory of specific area then escaping.
3. Merger, It is some countries that merge into one
4. Splitting, it is the disappearance of a country and the emergence of new state

Based on the theory, a state occurs because:
1. Godhead Theory, a state occurs because of the will of God
2. Theory of community agreements, a state occurs because of the agreement of the individuals (social contract)
3. Theory of Power, a state is formed due to the power / strength
4. Theory of Natural Law, a state occurs because of the desire to meet various human needs.

Functions and Natures of State

State functions are as follows:
1. Defense and Security
State shall protect the state elements (people, territory, and government) from all threats, obstacles, and interference, and other challenges that come from internal or external.
state of indonesia
2. Justice
State must be fair in law without any discrimination or particular interests. For example: A person who performs a criminal must be punished regardless of position and title.
3. Regulation and Justice
State takes all legislation to implement the policy with solid foundation to form the order of society, nation and state 
4. Welfare and Prosperity
State can explore the natural resources owned to improve people's life to be more prosperous and wealthy.

Natures of State
1. Coercive
State can impose the will by law or rule. State has power to force so that people are submissive and obedient to the state without no physical coercion.
The state right is legal in order to create an orderly society and no anarchy. Physical coercion can be made to proprietary.
2. Monopolistic
State sets common goals in the community. State can master things, such as important resource for people interests. State overcomes individual and group understanding.
3. Totality nature
Everything without exception becomes the authority of state.

Definition and Elements of State

Definition of State According to some Experts
state flags
According to Prof. Sumantri, state is an organization of power. Therefore, in every country, it is always encountered organ or tools that have the ability to impose the will to anyone residing in the territory.
According to John Locke and Rousseau, state is an agency or organization as the result of public agreement.
According to Max Weber, state is a community that has monopoly on the use of physical force legitimately in certain area.
According to Mac Iver, a state should have three main elements; territory, people, and government.
According to Roger F.Soleau, state is a tool or authority to control and regulate issues that are shared in the name of community.
According to Prof. Mr. Soenarko, State is a community organization that has certain area where state authority applies absolutely as sovereignty.
Prof. Miriam Budiardjo provided the definition of State that is the organization in an area that can legitimately impose the authority on all other power groups and can set goals of the life together. 
Elements of state according to experts:
According to G. Pringgodigdo
1. Must be a sovereign government
2. Have a specific region
3. There are people who live regularly as the nation of state
According to Oppenheimer and Lauterpacht
1. United people 
2. Area or region
3. Sovereign government
4. Recognition of other countries
According to Montevideo Convention 1933
1. There are people
2. There is ??permanent area
3. The existence of sovereign power
4. Undertaking associated with other countries
5. Recognition of other countries

Factors Influencing Attitude

An attitude is not automatically realized in an action. For the realization of attitude to become a real act, it is required supporting factor or possible condition, such as facilities.
For example, a positive attitude of a mother towards the immunization should receive confirmation of her husband, and there is an immunization facility easily reached in order to make the mother immunizing the child. Besides facility factor, it also needed supporting factor (support) from other parties, such as the parents of wife or husband that are very important to support.
Factors that influence attitudes:
1. Personal experience
To be able to be the basis of attitude formation, personal experience should make strong impression. Therefore, the attitude will be more easily formed if the personal experience occurs in situation involving emotional factors.
2. Influence of others that are considered important
In general, people tend to have a conformist attitude or be unidirectional of the others attitude who are considered important. This tendency is motivated by a desire to affiliate and avoid conflict with the people who are considered important.
3. Cultural influence
Unwittingly, culture has instilled a steering line our attitude towards various issues. Culture has colored attitudes of community members, because it gives patterns of individual experiences in community. 
4. Mass media
In the newspapers, radio, television and other mass media, the news that should be factual delivered objectively tends to be influenced by the attitude of the author; consequently it influences the attitude of the consumers.
5. Educational and Religious Institutions
Moral concepts and teachings of educational and religious institutions determine the belief system. It is not surprising that in turn the concept influences the attitude.
6. Emotional Factor
Sometimes, a form of attitude is statement based on emotion that serves as frustration distribution or alienation of ego defense mechanism.

Cara Mengukur Motivasi

Ada beberapa cara untuk mengukur motivasi menurut Notoatmodjo (2005) yaitu :

1. Tes Proyektif
Salah satu teknik proyektif yang banyak dikenal adalah Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Dalam tes ini klien diberikan gambar dan klien diminta untuk membuat cerita dari gambar tersebut.
Dalam teori Mc Leland dijelaskan, bahwa manusia memiliki 3 kebutuhan yaitu kebutuhan untuk berprestasi (n-ach), kebutuhan untuk power (n-power), kebutuhan untuk berafiliasi (n-aff). Dari isi cerita tersebut kita dapat menelaah motivasi yang mendasari diri klien berdasarkan konsep kebutuhan tersebut.
2. Kuesioner
Caranya adalah dengan meminta klien untuk mengisi kuesioner yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dapat memancing motivasi klien.
Contohnya adalah EPPS (Edward's Personal Preference Schedule). Kuesioner ini terdiri dari 210 nomer dimana pada masing-masing nomer terdiri dari 2 pertanyaan. Klien diminta untuk memilih salah satu dari kedua pertanyaan tersebut yang lebih mencerminkan dirinya. Dari pengisian kuesioner tersebut maka akan diketahui motivasi dari klien.
3. Observasi
Cara lain untuk mengukur motivasi adalah dengan membuat situasi sehingga klien dapat memunculkan perilaku yang mencerminkan motivasinya.
Contohnya, untuk mengukur keinginan untuk berprestasi, klien diminta untuk memproduksi origami dengan batas waktu tertentu. Perilaku yang diobservasi adalah, apakah klien menggunakan umpan balik yang diberikan, mengambil keputusan yang berisiko dan mementingkan kualitas daripada kuantitas kerja.

Definition and Purposes of Work Motivation

Flipo (1984) theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in achieving wishes of the employees in order to achieve organizational success. According to Terry G (1986), motivation is a desire contained in an individual encouraging him to perform action (behavior).
work motivation
In a person, there is a need or desire (wants) of situation outside the object, then how one connects between the needs and the situation outside the object in order to meet the needs intended. Therefore, motivation is a reason (reasoning) of a person to act in order to meet the needs.
In general, the goal of motivation is to move or inspire someone in arising the desire and willingness to do something so as to obtain results or achieve certain goals.
The success of an institution or organization is determined by two main factors; human resources, employee or labor, supporting facilities and infrastructure or work facility. Human resource or employee is more important than supporting infrastructure. Motivation in the organization has very broad intent and purpose.
The purposes of motivation
1. Encourage passion and spirit of employee 
2. Improve employee satisfaction which ultimately will improve the performance
3. Improve employee productivity
4. Improve employee loyalty and integrity
5. Improve employee discipline
6. Improve employee attendance

Definisi Perilaku Kesehatan

Pengertian Perilaku Kesehatan (Notoatmodjo, 2005) adalah respons seseorang terhadap stimulus atau objek yang berkaitan dengan sehat-sakit, penyakit, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan, misalnya lingkungan, makanan, minuman dan pelayanan kesehatan.
bayi sehat
Atau dengan kata lain, perilaku kesehatan adalah semua aktivitas seseorang, baik yang dapat diamati (observable) maupun yang tidak dapat diamati (unobservable).
Perilaku Kesehatan dikelompokkan menjadi 2 yaitu :
1. Perilaku orang yang sehat agar tetap sehat dan meningkat
Perilaku ini disebut perilaku sehat, yang mencakup perilaku-perilaku (overt dan covert behavior) dalam mencegah atau menghindar dari penyakit dan penyebab penyakit.
Contoh :
Makan dengan gizi yang seimbang, olahraga teratur, tidak merokok, tidak minum minuman keras, menghindari gigitan nyamuk, menyikat gigi sebelum tidur dan setelah makan, mencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan, dll.
2. Perilaku orang yang sakit 
Perilaku ini disebut health seeking behavior. Perilaku ini mencakup tindakan-tindakan yang diambil seseorang ketika sakit untuk memperoleh kesembuhan.
Contoh :
Berobat ke rumah sakit, klinik dll.
Perilaku Kesehatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terkait dengan pengetahuan, semakin baik pengetahuan seseorang maka akan baik pula perilaku kesehatannya.
Perilaku Kesehatan antara individu satu dengan yang lainnya juga berbeda-beda karena dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, misalnya faktor ekonomi, faktor lingkungan, faktor sarana, dan pengetahuan itu sendiri.
Di era modern seperti sekarang ini dimana tuntutan aktivitas yang sangat banyak, seharusnya kita semua menyadari akan pentingnya kesehatan, sehingga akan tercipta perilaku kesehatan yang baik dan optimal, dengan demikian maka kondisi kesehatan kita akan lebih baik.

Pentingnya Kesehatan Bagi Kita

Sehat adalah kondisi tubuh yang bebas dari sakit, bebas dari stress sehingga mampu menjalankan aktivitas dengan optimal dan mampu berpikir dengan baik.
sehat kesehatan
Kesehatan tubuh sangat menunjang gerak aktivitas yang kita jalankan, tanpa kesehatan fisik yang baik maka aktivitas sehari-hari kita akan terganggu. Kesehatan fisik saja tidaklah sempurna jika tidak didukung oleh kesehatan pikiran atau mental kita, karena fungsi tubuh akan menurun apabila kesehatan pikiran kita terganggu.
Akibat terganggunya kesehatan antara lain adalah menurunnya kinerja tubuh. Dalam kondisi seperti ini maka akan sangat mengganggu pekerjaan sehari-hari yang kita jalani. Apabila situasi atau kondisi ini berlangsung lama maka akan berbahaya bagi kita, misalnya kita tidak lagi mampu untuk bekerja.
Kesehatan fisik dan mental itu sangat penting, namun banyak orang yang mengabaikannya. Banyak orang yang tidak menyadari jika tubuh memiliki keterbatasan dalam fungsinya. 
Jika kita ingin mendapatkan kualitas kesehatan yang baik maka kita harus mengetahui kapan tubuh harus berhenti bekerja, kapan tubuh butuh penyegaran, dan harus mengetahui pula asupan makanan yang baik untuk untuk tubuh.
Aktivitas yang seimbang harus benar-benar kita jalankan, karena jika tidak maka akan berdampak buruk bagi kita.
Satu hal lagi yang sering diremehkan adalah kesehatan mental kita yang bersumber dari aktivitas spiritual. Orang terlalu sibuk dengan materi dan lupa dengan rohani, itulah yang terjadi sekarang ini. Padahal jika kesehatan rohani kita tidak baik maka kita tidak akan bisa merasakan kenyamanan pikiran kita.
Keberhasilan kita sangat ditentukan oleh kinerja yang baik dari diri kita dan semua itu hanya bisa tercapai jika kesehatan tubuh dan kesehatan mental kita terjaga.
Larangan Tabarruj Memperlihatkan Kecantikan dari Qur'an, Kitab dan Imam

Larangan Tabarruj Memperlihatkan Kecantikan dari Qur'an, Kitab dan Imam

Tabarruj pada bahasan yang lalu telah di paparkan bahwa dalam Islam melarang perbuatan tabarruj. Pada kali ini akan mengupas penjabaran secara rinci mengenai hal ihwal, pengertian dan hukum asal dari tabarruj menurut berbagai macam sumber buku-buku Kitab Islam, para Imam dan juga menurut Al-Qur�an Al-Karim.

Pengertian tabarruj menurut bahasa adalah menampakkan atau memperlihatkan perhiasan

Definition and Pathophysiology of Shock

Shock is a syndrome of perfusion and cell oxygenation disruptions thoroughly so that tissue metabolic needs are not met. With the disruption of oxygenation results in impaired function of cells or tissues or organs, such as disturbances of consciousness, respiratory function, digestive system, urinary and circulatory system itself. In response to the decrease in oxygen supply, energy metabolism of cells will turn into anaerobic metabolism.
This situation can only be tolerated for a while, and if it continues, the damage of vital organ tissue happens that can lead to death. Shock is not a disease and not always accompanied by the failure of tissue perfusion. Shock can occur at any time to anyone. The handling is based on early right diagnosis.
Pathophysiology of shock
Hypoperfusion in shock leads to the disruption of oxygen supply to cells, resulting in impaired cell metabolism and consequently the formation of ATP is reduced. Hypoperfusion also triggers reflex of sympathetic system activation that increases cardiac output. In addition, there is expenditure of ketokolamin, angiotensin, vasopressin and endothelia which will increase vascular tone so that perfusion pressure can be maintained and enough.
Hypoxia makes the tissue trying to extract O2 as much as possible so that the metabolic needs are met. When all the defense reflexes to the limit of tolerance and hypoxia are not resolved, it will disturb mitochondria, and decrease ATP formation. All systems in the body are not functioning, resulting in complete organ failure, such as brain failure, heart failure, vasoplegia, the buildup of lactic acid, kidney failure, digestive system failure followed by germ and toxic materials transfer into the bloodstream (translocation), and ending with death. Multiple organ failures and death are proportional to the duration and severity of hypoxia.
Shock is divided into four types; hypovolemic, obstructive, cardiogenic, and distributive.
According to the value of cardiac output, shock is divided into two; hypodynamic and hyperdynamic shocks. In hypodynamic shock, cardiac output is below normal and central venous pressure is more than normal. Hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and obstructive shocks are included in this type of shock. In hyperdynamic shock, cardiac output value is more than the normal and central venous pressure is less than normal, e.g distributive shock.

Oral Lesions

Lesion is a term that indicates the state of abnormal body tissues. It can occur due to disease process either caused by infection, metabolic problems, autoimmune, or trauma (physical, electrical, chemical).
lesion, ulser
Oral mucosal lesion:
It is a lesion contained and on the body tissues of oral cavity. The terms used to describe the oral mucosal lesion are:
1. Erosion: the loss of partial surface of epithelium without opening the deeper layers or the connective tissue underneath.
2. Ulcer: The loss of the entire thickness of epithelium and the opening of the tissue underneath.
3. Vesicle: accumulation of clear bounded fluid, having a large diameter, which is more than 5 mm. It can be intraepithelial and singular or plural.
4. Bulla: accumulation of clear bounded fluid, having a diameter of 5 mm. It maybe intraepithelial or sub epithelial and singular or plural
5. Papule: narrow elevated area; clear bounded (the term is more often used to describe cutaneous abnormality of the mucosa lesions)
6. Macula: the area change clear bounded color. It may be small or large and singular or plural.

Definition and Purposes of Work Motivation

Flipo (1984) theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in achieving wishes of the employees in order to achieve organizational success.
worker meeting
According to Terry G (1986), motivation is a desire contained in an individual encouraging him to perform action (behavior).
In a person, there is a need or desire (wants) of situation outside the object, then how one connects between the needs and the situation outside the object in order to meet the needs intended. Therefore, motivation is a reason (reasoning) of a person to act in order to meet the needs.
In general, the goal of motivation is to move or inspire someone in arising the desire and willingness to do something so as to obtain results or achieve certain goals.
The success of an institution or organization is determined by two main factors; human resources, employee or labor, supporting facilities and infrastructure or work facility. Human resource or employee is more important than supporting infrastructure. Motivation in the organization has very broad intent and purpose.
The purposes of motivation
1. Encourage passion and spirit of employee 
2. Improve employee satisfaction which ultimately will improve the performance
3. Improve employee productivity
4. Improve employee loyalty and integrity
5. Improve employee discipline
6. Improve employee attendance

Wound Healing Phases

Definition of wound is partially lost or damaged body tissue.
Causes of Wound: trauma of sharp or blunt objects, temperature changes, chemicals, explosion, electric shock, or animal bites.
Wound Forms: cuts, puncture wounds, lacerations, abrasions, burns and others.

Wound Healing phases are as follows:

1. Inflammation Phase
It occurs since the injury until about the fifth day. Severed blood vessels in the wound will cause bleeding, and the body tries to stop it with vasoconstriction, shrinkage in broke up vessel edges (retraction), and hemostasis reaction. Hemostasis occurs because platelets out of the blood vessels attach to each other, and together form fibrin net, freeze the blood from the blood vessels. Adjacent platelets will granulate, release chemoattractant pulling inflammatory cells, and activate local fibroblasts and endothelial cells as well as a vasoconstrictor. Meanwhile, the inflammatory reaction happens.
After hemostasis, coagulation process will activate complement cascade, and then it will be released bradykinin and anaphylatoxin. Clinical signs and symptoms of inflammatory reaction become clear, in the form of redness due to dilated capillaries (rubor), warm sense (heat), pain (dolor) and swelling (tumor).

blood wound

2. Proliferation Phase
It is called fibroplasia phase because the prominent part is proliferation of fibroblast.
It takes place from the end of inflammation phase until about the end of the third week.
Collagen fibers are formed and destroyed again to adjust the tension on the wound which tends to shrink. This trait together with miofibroblast contractile trait cause the pull on the wound edges.
The wound is filled by inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, and collagen, and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), forming reddish tissue with smooth protruding surface called granulation tissue.
With the covering of the wound surface, fibroplasia process with the formation of granulation tissue will also stop and start the process of maturation in remodeling phase.

3. Remodeling Phase
Maturation process happens which consists of re-absorption of the excess tissue, proper shrinkage according to the gravity, and finally re-formation of new tissue. Body tries to re-normalize all abnormal things because of healing process. Edema and inflammatory cells are absorbed, young cells become mature, new capillaries close and reabsorbed, excess collagen is absorbed and the rest shrinks according to the amount of strain. During this process, it is resulted pale scar tissue, thin, and flexible, and easily moved from the base.

Goa Kreo Semarang

Sudah lama saya tinggal di Semarang, tapi belum pernah datang ke Tempat Wisata Goa Kreo. Karena yang dibenakku tempat yang terkenal dengan hewan keranya itu pastilah tidak menarik.
goa kreo semarang, waduk jati barang
Hari ini kebetulan diajak temen kantor untuk datang ke tempat wisata yang terletak di Gunung Pati Semarang tersebut....eeee ternyata tempatnya ciamik.
Letak goa di perbukitan, di kelilingi waduk Jati Barang, di tambah banyaknya hewan kera yang berkeliaran membuat tempat ini cukup menawan.
goa kreo
Namun bukan goa, bukan kera, dan bukan pula waduknya yang membuat tempat wisata ini begitu spesial dan indah dimata saya.
Yang membuat spesial bagi saya adalah tanaman liarnya disekitar goa. Di sekitar goa itu tumbuh banyak sekali pohon serut, mulai dari yang kecil sampe yang besar tumbuh bertebaran dimana-mana.
kera gua kreo
Pohon serut adalah salah satu tanaman hias mahal yang banyak digunakan untuk taman maupun untuk bonsai. Saya jadi berpikir andai saja pohon-pohon serut tersebut tidak berada disitu pastinya sudah habis diambil dan diperjual belikan. Harga pohon serut ini juga tidak main-main lho...mulai 500 ribu hingga puluhan juta rupiah perpohonnya.
waduk jatibarang
Itulah sekilas tentang Tempat Wisata Di Semarang Jawa Tengah...klo anda ke Semarang patut rasanya datang ke Goa Kreo.

Definition, Purpose and Mechanism of Inflammation

Inflammation is a complex reaction that begins to occur in the blood vessels in response to injury or wound, followed by accumulation of fluid and leukocytes in extravascular tissues. Inflammatory response takes place together with repair process.

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The purpose of inflammation is ruining, dissolving, or limiting the cause of injuries, and this process can in turn be transformed into a series of processes in order to repair the damaged tissue and healing. Repair is begun in the early phase of inflammation and finished when the injury effects are successfully neutralized. During the repair process, the injured tissue, parenchymal cell regeneration and filling the damaged areas by fibroblastic tissue occur.

Inflammation is a protective process to clean or remove the cause of injury (such as toxins or microbes) and the damage (such as cells or necrotic tissue). Without inflammation, infection can occur without control, the wound would not heal, and injured organ will remain sick. However, inflammation and repair processes are still potentially harmful, such as hypersensitivity reaction which can cause life-threatening, such as insect bites, drugs or toxins effects. 

Inflammatory reaction also underlies the development of many chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and pulmonary fibrosis. By this basic, it is developed a variety of anti-inflammatory which aims to improve the positive effects of inflammation and control the adverse effects.

The inflammatory response in vascularized connective tissue will involve plasma component, circulating blood cells (such as neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophil, lymphocytes, basophils, and platelets), blood vessels, and cellular components (such as mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes) and extracellular (such as collagen, elastin, fibronectin, laminin, etc.) connective tissue. The component parts form strong cellular communication tissues that end by increasing inflammatory response.
Vascular and cellular responses in acute and chronic inflammation are mediated by chemical mediators derived from plasma or cells that induced by inflammatory stimulus.

Definition and Types of Small Business

Small Business is a pillar of the economy of a country. For example, in United State, more than 80% of the business is small business.
agricultural business
John Naisbitt in his lecture on global entrepreneur forum 95 in Singapore stated that there is a tendency towards 2000. The tendency includes shifting world activities and great players or conglomerates to the direction of small players that use a business in small and medium scale.
He also mentioned that the small players will be major players in the great economy.
Definition of business is all activities that seek profits by obtaining the necessities of goods and services to others (Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh, 1996).
The definition of small business is a business owned independently and the activities are not dominant and meet certain standards (Luthans and Hodgetts, 1989).
Types of small business are as follows:
1. Services Business 
2. Retail Business 
3. Wholesale Business 
4. Manufacturing Business 
5. Agricultural Business 

Nickels, W.G., McHugh, J.M., McHugh, S.M, 1996, Understanding Business, Chicago : Irwin.
Luthans, F, Hodgetts, R.M, 1989, Business, Chicago : The Dryden Press.

Tips for Starting a New Business

An entrepreneur must have a thorough plan of planning in order to avoid a failure to execute new business. The plan includes: What business is owned, Starting your own or buying an existing company, Knowing what and where the market for the product or the service.
money business
Starting is not easy because of many challenges that must be faced. Note Tips for Starting a New Business below. 

To be successful at the beginning according to Harper (1991), it requires:
1. Very solid business opportunities.
2. Skills and abilities in the field that will be practiced.
3. The correct approach in running the business.
4. Sufficient funds to start and operate a business, so that can stand alone.

In starting a new business, we have to study the market situation and industry situation that will be entered. The market situation may have been met by other competitors, so that not easy to get into, maybe also the target market has been saturated.
Production and marketing orientation era likely soon pass into new era that is competition era. For that, it is essential to analyze the situation of the competitor forces existing in the market carefully.

Michael Porter (1895) stated that there are five competition forces determining in the industrial sector:
1. Threat of newcomers.
2. Threat of substitute goods or services.
3. Bargaining power of supplier.
4. Bargaining power of buyer,
5. Competition among existing competitors.
To deal with the market situation in the industry, Porter also suggested some generic basic strategies.

For the industrial market with a wider target, it can be applied the following strategies:
1. Different products (product differentiation).
2. The advantages of cost (cost leadership).
3. Cost of focus (cost focus).
4. The difference in focus (focused differentiation).

Companies can launch a product that is different from other competitors by producing innovative products or at least no differences but more beneficial as compared to other competing products. Another strategy is to take advantage of the cost.
This cost advantage can result in lower production costs so that we can sell at a more competitive price.

Definition of Doping and Reasons for Using Doping In Athlete

Doping is provision / use by competitors, such as material that is foreign to the organism through any way or physiological material in abnormal amounts or given through an abnormal way in order to improve achievement. (International Congress of Sport Sciences; Olympiade Tokyo 1964).
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There are several reasons why an athlete uses doping:
1. Psychosocial Aspect
Every individual has potential in doing offense, moreover, when the environment provides an opportunity for the offense.
2. Personality
Individual who has negative or low self-concept and self-esteem, in the face of competitive situation, he has a tendency to seek personal gain by the use of unfair ways, one of them is doping usage.
3. Individual Social Environment 
a. Victory Social value 
In each competition, victory, achievement, or medal sometimes become the only dreams of every individual or group without considering the other things that allow athletes to justify any way, including doping.
b. Community Environment
Society is also a significant stressor. Defeat in a play always gets response from the community in the form of scolding, criticism, anger and even disproportionate rage, so that athlete must "win" in every event. 
c. Player environment
The desire to win is always present in the environment of players; either coach or official even family, so it can cause uncontrolled desire and sense of responsibility.
4. Lack of information about the dangers of doping for themselves and others.
5. Intense competition.
6. Commercialization, athletes or coaches are often less selective to face the incessant offer of drugs from manufacturer.
7. Propaganda, the competition to win a bonus for instance, is one of boosters for athletes to be able to grab honors in every event encountered, which unfortunately sometimes by any way, including the use of doping.
8. Frustrated because the exercise done does not produce achievement.

Definition and Aspects of Health Law

The definition of health law is all legal provisions that are directly related to health care and the application.
doctor nurses
It concerns to the rights and obligations of individuals and all levels of society as the recipients of the health care or health care providers in all aspects, organization, means, standard guidelines for medical services, health sciences and law and other legal sources. Medical law is part of health law, concerning to medical care / service.
At present, it can be agreed upon scope of the legal regulations for health services according to medical science including aspects in the field of criminal, civil law, administrative law, even the aspects of constitutional law. Skill education requirements, performing profession, procedure in opening medical practice, and various restrictions and supervision of medical profession are included in administrative law section.
Rights and obligations arising from the relationship of health services, the agreement between doctors and patients and their families, due to the civil negligence and the claim in health care are included in civil law. Witness, truth of health certificate, keeping secrecy, abortion, drugs or narcotics prescription, help the sick resulting in danger of death or injury are included in criminal law section.
Government health efforts involving health workers as competent state authorities are the development of constitutional law aspects in medical health law. All legal aspects in medical health legislation become legal devices that specifically define the behavior of order or necessity command or prohibitions that apply to the parties concerned with health efforts as specified in legislation. Besides the legal norms contained in medical health law, it also applies ethical norms of health / medical ethical norms as guides about the good and bad things in the daily moral life. 
 Waspada Penyebab Murtad yang Merusak Aqidah

Waspada Penyebab Murtad yang Merusak Aqidah

Hal-hal yang dapat membatalkan keislaman seseorang atau disebut murtad dapat berupa empat hal pokok. Yaitu murtad disebabkan karena perkataan, murtad disebabkan karena perbuatan, murtad karena keyakinan dan bisa juga murtad atau batalnya keislaman seseorang karena keragu-raguan. Ke empat perkara penyebab inilah yang dapat merusak aqidah dan membatalkan aqidah seseorang sehingga seseorang keluar